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Florence, 2023


I am an illustrator and animator based in Amsterdam. I love the versatility of my work and have collaborated on projects with many different types of clients, such as newspaper and magazine editors, book publishers, television producers, journalists, e-learning designers, poets, writers or musicians.

The projects I enjoy a lot are those that allow me to take a good plunge in a subject or story. I swim and play around. I sketch, research and come up with new ideas, exploring the profound depths. I intend to always provide the content that suits the needs and visions of my client, while giving my creativity free rein. Please feel free to take a dive too and discover my world on this website!

If you are interested in working with me or just want to say hi, just get in touch with me!


+ 31 6 166 464 84

Wibautstraat 150
1091 GR Amsterdam

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